NorCPM quick-start tutorial

From Norcpm
Revision as of 08:10, 25 September 2014 by Msh065 (talk | contribs)


Ingo Bethke
Francois Counillon
Mao-Lin Shen
enter your name here (alphabetical order)

Getting started with NorESM

The list of command to create the ensemble structure and run the reanalysis is the following

cd ${HOME}

mkdir -p NorESM cd NorESM

  1. If you have a NoreSM svn access do:

svn checkout projectEPOCASA-3

  1. if you don't do:

tar xvf /work-common/shared/nn9039k/NorCPM/Code/NorESM/projectEPOCASA-3.tar.gz

Obtaining and installing the model

Model and directory structure

Component, resolution and forcing options

Creating new experiments

Configuration of initialisation

Building the model

Setting up ensembles

Running the model

Getting started with EnKf

mkdir Script

  1. I would recommend to link script for the moment (easyer for debugging)
  2. If you want to make your own version copy it and edit it

cd Script ln -s /work/shared/nn9039k/NorCPM/Script/* . rm cp /work/shared/nn9039k/NorCPM/Script/ .

  1. TODO Edit the file for your usage, model version, cpu account etc ...
  2. If you want to use the starting date in 1980-01-15 already avaible don't touch anything
  3. hybrid_run=1 ens_start=1 ens_casename='NorCPM_F19_tn21_mem' ens_start_date=1980-01-15-00000
  4. It fetches the file in
  5. /work/shared/nn9039k/NorCPM/Restart/
  6. More available starting date are available on norstore:
  7. /projects/NS9039K/shared/norcpm/cases//NorCPM/True_Obs-1980-2000/Fifth_try/
  8. Need a script automatically fetch restart from there
  1. To create the structure of ensemble type

cd ${HOME}/NorESM/ mkdir -p bin cd bin

  1. Same with bin, I would recommend linking the executable for now. If you want to create your own,
  2. Copy and compile the code in /work-common/shared/nn9039k/NorCPM/Code/EnKF/
  3. delete the link in bin and move your own executable there

ln -sf /work/shared/nn9039k/NorCPM/bin/* .

cd ${HOME}/NorESM/Script

  1. This will take a while


  1. Now you can run the reanalysis


  1. If you want to delete your ensemble of folder:
  2. The following delete member 02-ENSSIZE

  1. if you want also to clean up the mem 1 1

  1. To integrate the ensemble for 10 year with a super job use

Diagnostics and analysis